
1 year ago

Roessler Stickers 2023


HANDMADE STICKERS KREATIV-ACCESSOIRES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 4 9007-150 / VE 6 D 4 NEU 9002-2076 / VE 6 D 4 NEU 9510-108 / VE 8 B 4 9002-1171 / VE 6 D GLITTER 4 9222-100 / VE 12 4 9002-1164 / VE 6 GLITTER GLITTER 3D GLITTER 3D GLITTER 3D 4 9400-153 / VE 6 D 4 9400-154 / VE 6 D A D Zahlen Numbers 4 9222-101 / VE 12 A 4 9002-1165 / VE 6 D 4 9002-1174 / VE 6 D 91 Verpackung inklusive Aufhängung · Packaging including suspension Emballages, y compris la suspension ca. 70 x 185 mm

KREATIV-ACCESSOIRES HANDMADE STICKERS 4 9002-1181 / VE 6 D 4 9007-261 / VE 6 D 4 9007-262 / VE 6 D 4 9002-1118 / VE 6 D Kommunion & Konfirmation Communion & Confirmation 4 9002-2000 / VE 6 D 4 9002-997 / VE 6 D 4 9002-1160 / VE 6 D 4 9002-1161 / VE 6 D 4 9002-1196 / VE 6 D 4 9002-1197 / VE 6 D 4 9002-1198 / VE 6 D 4 9002-1199 / VE 6 D 4 9002-2018 / VE 6 D 4 9600-217 / VE 6 E 4 9002-2019 / VE 6 D 4 9002-1116 / VE 6 D Produktionsbedingte Änderungen vorbehalten. May be subject to modification for production reasons. La production sujette à des modifications. 92 Verpackung inklusive Aufhängung · Packaging including suspension Emballages, y compris la suspension ca. 70 x 185 mm